about us

Welcome to Albany

Nestled in the hills of southeast Ohio, Albany is the 3rd largest village in Athens county. Albany enjoys a thriving business community while maintaining a small-town charm. Albany is a place where the welcome mat is ALWAYS out!

For more information about the many features Albany can provide for your development, please view our presentation by clicking the picture on the left.

Check out the Athens County Visitors Guide for even more!

Economic Development is a key driver for the Albany Village Mayor and Village Council.

While the past few years have been spent creating the infrastructure needed to meet future growth such as sanitary-sewer and zoning, the Village is now focused on promoting our existing businesses while bringing new-to-the-area companies that will bring investment dollars, growth, local career opportunities and affordable housing for our future generations.

US Route 50, the Ohio University Gordon K. Bush Airport, available rail service and infrastructure are all important tools that will help us on this long journey.

Albany is currently working on park improvements, historical downtown development, and other ways to help our community maintain a family-friendly image.

Albany Comprehensive Plan